Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Hello Again

Wow it's been a while. Sorry for the sudden break, a lot of things happened.

It was mainly my Internet being canceled. But hey. We move along I guess.

Speaking of which, my parent's just gave me a birthday cake (I'm 18 tomorrow!!!!!) and 30 ducks to Chili's plus cupcakes for tomorrow, and the best present ever, which I will explain now:

When I was little, I had this awesome metal revolver that I played with all the time. It was my favorite thing ever, and my Mom accidentally sold it in a garage sale, and I've given her grief to this day. So, in response, years later, she gives me this:

You jelly?
  It shoots caps. And they smell so bad. But they smell so GOOD. It makes me happy :)

So update? Let's see. Tomorrow is my A.P. Lit. exam. After tomorrow, I'm basically clocking out. Graduate on the 20th. For sure going to Louisville. Things are panning out. Well, sorta. Still jobless... I know, I know. I've been trying!

But now that I'm 18 a lot more jobs open up, so we'll see how that goes. P90X got off track. A lot. We're all starting up again next week, and I can't wait. You feel great after you do it...

Anyway, I know this is a bland post, but so much has happened! I have a lot to tell you about, and I will. In time. In separate posts. So piss you off.

It's what I do. I will post tomorrow, if Verizon or God is working.

♥, Me.

1 comment:

  1. YYYYYEEEESSSSS!! I love your wittle gun babe! (; seriously though! Here is your first HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me. MMMMAAANNNNYYYY more to come! :D
